I have over 15 years of experience developing applications in PHP and then Laravel. I build all types of web application for organisations that need more than an off-the-shelf solution. I especially like projects with niche requirements where the customer has previously tried and failed to find a solution.
Much of my work is in the role of a project manager where a customer doesn't have an in-house web developer to lead the project. I can help scope out a project, assemble a team to cover each stage, and then manage development through to completion. For larger projects, I work with a network of freelancers who can cover all aspects of work, from initial UX Design and wire-framing; template design; frontend development; backend development and final testing and launch.
I have been working with Wordpress since 2005. I specialise in projects that use Wordpress as a remote content manager - pulling in content via its Rest API. This allows for a custom PHP application to suit the needs of the project, while retaining the features and familiarity of Wordpress for maintaining content. If you have outgrown your Wordpress website, but like the editor, this model can work well for you.
I like to make things as simple as possible. I give good advice; I don't use jargon; I don't make unrealistic promises; I am totally transparent with costs. I have been developing websites for 20 years and have a healthy portfolio section that you may want to browse.
Over 15 years of experience developing applications in PHP and more latterly with the PHP framework called Laravel. As a former project manager I am also very comfortable leading development teams and liaising with customers. Please get in touch for further details.
Peter Morgan: 07917 411173 |